
Inspired by Parents, Georgia Tech Student Helps Build Lifesaving Equipment to Battle Covid-19

Craig has helped develop face shields and ventilators that have been drawn up and designed with advice from clinicians in hospitals and emergency rooms across Atlanta. And he is currently helping construct a foldable box that serves as a shield to protect healthcare workers while they perform intubations.

Part of Federal Initiative: Georgia Tech, Children’s, and Emory Take the Lead in Evaluating Potential Covid-19 Tests 

A trio of Atlanta healthcare and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential Covid-19 tests as part of a new federal initiative designed to rapidly transform promising technology into widely accessible diagnostic tools to detect the virus.

Evolution of a University Asymptomatic Surveillance Testing Program 

An ambitious campuswide testing program aimed at identifying asymptomatic Covid-19 community members has helped limit daily case counts to single digits at the Georgia Institute of Technology, which currently has approximately 7,400 students living on campus and several thousand more students, faculty, and staff commuting to learn and work there each day.