Encountering the Perfect Storm of Challenges: Georgia Tech Supply Chain and Logistics Experts Develop Automated System for Replenishing PPE Stock 

As America’s leading research universities ramp up laboratory operations that were shut down by Covid-19 in March, they’re encountering a perfect storm of challenges in providing personal protective equipment (PPE) – surgical masks, cloth face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant materials.

Programmable Medicine Is the Goal in New Research Into Bio-circuits

In the world of synthetic biology, the development of foundational components like logic gates and genetic clocks has enabled the design of circuits with increasing complexity, including the ability to solve math problems, build autonomous robots, and play interactive games. A team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology is now using what they’ve learned about bio-circuits to lay the groundwork for the future of programmable medicine. 

Birth of Life and an Alternative Theory to the ‘RNA World’ Hypothesis Has Unselfish Molecules Giving Rise to the Elements of Life: Great New Research From the Center for Chemical Evolution. 

It’s a question older than science: How did life begin? In modern biology, life depends on life to live. But how did the mutualistic relationship between different molecules – which led, eventually, to complex biological systems, like human beings, for example – actually come to be?

Part of Federal Initiative: Georgia Tech, Children’s, and Emory Take the Lead in Evaluating Potential Covid-19 Tests 

A trio of Atlanta healthcare and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential Covid-19 tests as part of a new federal initiative designed to rapidly transform promising technology into widely accessible diagnostic tools to detect the virus.