College of Computing 

AI Agent Breaks Down Social Barriers in Online Education 

To directly address social barriers in virtual classes, the new Jill Watson Social Agent, an artificially intelligent system from the Georgia Institute of Technology, has been designed to connect online students quickly to their peers. It is being deployed in the Institute’s Online Master of Science in Computer Science program (OMSCS) as well as two campus classes.

Machine Learning Method Amplifies ‘Voice of the People’ to Model Workplace Culture 

Human resources professionals and job seekers alike may soon be able to better understand a company’s unique organizational culture thanks to a new machine learning approach. Developed by Georgia Tech researchers, it is the first of its kind to computationally model organizational culture using publicly available anonymized data sources – including Glassdoor user reviews.

Considering Cybersecurity When Social Circles Share Digital Resources 

Everyone who has ever shared an apartment in college has experienced some form of this challenge: You move in with a group of three other people. You think you set proper boundaries and rules for the house, but everyone swears they’re laid back and not too worried about any of the others getting out of line. After a while, everyone settles in, and the next thing you know one roommate is taking a little too much advantage of your goodwill.